WhatsApp is thrilled to announce the introduction of WhatsApp Channels in over 150 countries today, providing a private way to get information that is important to users. WhatsApp is excited to announce the addition of hundreds of organizations, sports teams, musicians, and thought leaders that users can follow directly within WhatsApp.
If you’re unfamiliar with Channels, WhatsApp’s mission is to provide the most private broadcast service accessible. Channels are distinct from conversations, and anyone you select to follow is hidden from other followers & also safeguards the personal information of both administrators and followers.
WhatsApp enjoyed all of the wonderful comments & received since its original launch in 10 countries. WhatsApp is making the following changes as we extend Channels globally:
- Enhanced Directory – You may now follow channels that are automatically filtered based on your location. You can also see which channels are new, active, and popular depending on the amount of followers.
- Reactions – You may provide feedback by reacting with emojis and viewing the overall number of reactions. Followers will not see how you react.
- Editing – Administrators will soon be allowed to make modifications to their Updates for up to 30 days before we erase them from our servers.
Forwarding – When you pass an Update to a chat or group, it includes a link back to the channel so that people may learn more.
This is only the beginning, and WhatsApp will continue to add features and extend Channels based on user input. In the future months, make it feasible for anybody to launch a channel.
If you want to stay up to speed on what WhatsApp is working on, the official WhatsApp Channel has been opened.